I finally have a minute to sit down and take a breath! *deep sigh* As I mentioned earlier, Friday was amazing! (Let me preface it by first saying that, ever since I was eight years old and saw a Paso Fino Horse--I have dreamt of riding one. Although, in the States they are very rare so my chances immediately dwindled into single digits--but then I discovered that in Puerto Rico; Pasos are all they have! Booyah!) So to make a long story short, I asked Betsy if I could ride before I left Puerto Rico and after she agreed, we decided to bring the students along! How cool is that?! But there was a "slight" problem with that plan. You see, first of all, the people at the stables gave Betsy a hard time about renting horses and bringing a group. They wouldn't guarantee us horses and basically just wished us luck. How disheartening. So for the next week, we were trying not to get our hopes up. But on Thursday afternoon, Betsy gathered everyone in her classroom and assessed the situation. "Okay, I'm going to call the stables again--start praying!" She hung up her phone five minutes later, announcing that we would be going on Friday afternoon and that there would be a horse for everyone! God is so good and definitely answers prayers!
I awoke early on Friday, beyond excited for our outing later that morning. I looked out the window to see black clouds swirling outside. Oh lovely. Rain; something we really didn't need. I rolled over and heard the pouring rain. "Okay God, we have finally gotten permission to ride. You've gotten us this far. Please hold off the rain until we return home from our ride. Please?"
Mizael on his little Paso Fino with his seatbelt! |
After I was finished leading chapel and Carlos Motta had finished his Bible lesson, we all stepped outside into the bright, warm sunlight. The oppressive storm clouds had cleared off, leaving a bright blue sky in their wake. Yes! We all piled into a huge white van and half an hour later, we were all on our horses, trotting through the rainforest. Since I'm an experienced rider, I was given a stubborn chestnut gelding. Larimar, Kevin and I raced along the trail and Mizael followed on his little bay (he was adorable, bouncing along in his saddle with his little seatbelt,) careful to avoid Kevin's horse that had a terrible habit of side-kicking. I came to the conclusion that riding and neck-reining with one hand while Signing with the other, is something I feel I should become skilled at.
Trotting along the riverbank, Kathryn rode alongside me, "You are looking very professional there, Rachel." She smiled as I neck-reined my horse back on the trail. "But with your hairnet, you look like a lunch-lady." I couldn't help but laugh. What a way to boost my self-confidence--She is such an encouragement. The rest of the ride was just wonderful and was even more exciting than I had anticipated! And the fact that the kids could accompany me, made it so special and memorable.
Our group plodding along towards the rainforest! |
hours later, we returned to the school and everyone crowded into the kitchen for lunch. I sat down at a table, tired and hot. I looked outside and noticed the dark clouds looming overhead. Soon the rain was pouring down. Wow--God is so good! Just as I had asked, He held the rain off until we returned from our horseback ride! So awesome! I sat with the kids and ate my lunch, relishing the feel of the fan overhead. It was one of the hottest days I could remember and my shirt was so sweaty, I could practically wring it out--no lie. What I wouldn't have given for a shower....But that dream was absolutely unrealistic; there was no way I could leave the kids to go get a shower. So as Betsy would say--Too bad, so sad. I ate my delicious plate of spaghetti and washed my dishes before taking the students outside for recess. Betsy met me, barefoot and dressed in her horsey clothes, at the office and motioned for me to follow her. "I'm about to do something stupid...." Not incredibly surprised by this announcement, I walked with her across the courtyard. She limped over to where Joella's little kiddy pool was and before I could stop her, she abruptly fell in; fully clothed. I stood watching and laughing as she splashed around and soaked her hair. "Bring me a kid!" She finally called to me, "I need help."
I looked around and spotted Kevin standing outside a classroom. "Kevin!" Betsy and I screamed in unison. He spun around and his eyes went wide when he saw Betsy splashing in the kiddy pool; but nonetheless he walked towards us.
"Kevin! Kevin!" Betsy shouted and Signed, "I wanna get out. I need help! Kevin, help me!"
Thus, being the gentleman that he is, he grabbed her outstretched hand. "It's okay, Betsy, I'll help you! I've got you!" With Betsy's entire wellbeing depending completely on him, Kevin's sense of chivalry overcame him as he tried to pull her from the pool. Thus blinded by his own sense of goodwill, he missed the mischievous wink Betsy sent my way. "Watch your shoes," Betsy warned him. Completely baffled, he glanced down at his precious sneakers. Seizing the moment of distraction, Betsy grabbed his arm and jerked. Before I could warn him of her conniving, ulterior motives, Betsy pulled him right into the pool beside her with a huge splash! For what seemed like minutes, he just lay there, face-down in the water, unmoving.
"Oh, Betsy! You've killed him." I ambled over to assess the situation and shrugged. "Oh well...."
She rolled her eyes and began elbowing him, "Kevin, get up!" The twitch of his hand was his only response. Only after Betsy slipped off his shoes and tossed them in the yard, did he finally sit up and breathe. But by this time, a crowd had gathered around the pool. "Well, who's next?" Betsy waved them in, "C'mon people--don't just stand there--get in!" Her gaze rested on me. "C'mon, girlie!"
I looked from the group of baffled students to where Betsy and Kevin sat drenched in the pool. Eh, what the heck. I kicked off my shoes and plunged into the water. Ah, how wonderful the water felt! Forget the shower--this was just as refreshing! Next, Mizael cannon-balled in with Juan and Larimar following. Bazooka, Betsy's Great Dane ran laps around us, barking as we all laughed and splashed each other while Kristian dragged over the hose and began spraying everyone in sight. Oh, that was so much fun! (And I was able to go upstairs to my room to change into dry clothes...a benefit of being "on staff," while everyone else sat in the sun to dry.)
Chilling with Kevin, Mizael and his mother at the movies! :) |
Then, as a last hurrah before I flew back to PA, Kevin invited me to go see a movie with Larimar, Mizael and him. But I had to admit that as he was explaining the movie to me, I was rather skeptical. It appeared to be a decent movie with a good rating, but
A Sea of Monsters was not exactly what I'd had in mind. But hey, you only live once, right? So I agreed to expand my horizons. (After getting everyone's permission of course,) we made our plans and Kevin's mom picked me up at the school before we met Larimar and Mizael's families in town. I must say; the movie by far exceeded my expectations and I was greatly amused. I mean honestly: Puerto Rico, Signing, popcorn, soda, a movie and some awesome friends--It doesn't get any better than that!
After the movie was finished, I gave dear little Mizael a huge hug and promised to write to him. Oh, saying farewell is never easy! Then we walked down the street and bought a pizza, chilling and chatting. What fun! Then it was time to say adios to sweet Larimar. The raw reality that I would be leaving in mere hours was almost too much. I gritted my teeth against the flood of emotions that threatened to choke me. Betsy had forewarned me that if I cried, I couldn't come back. With my promise to be strong, forefront in my mind, I refused to give in. I held my "twin" tight, thanked her for an amazing four weeks, and promised to Skype her.
Before I said/did anything dumb, I slowly followed Kevin to the car, feeling much like a lost puppy. Five good-byes down, one more to go. On the ride home, I was quiet and forced myself to act normal; trying my best to ignore my irksome emotions. We arrived at the school and I turned to say farewell to Kevin. I gave my bro a hug and thanked him for the encouragement he had been to me and for all the help he had given me during school. I scrambled out of the car and when the gate opened, I stepped onto campus with a parting wave. That was the last I will see of the students until we Skype and I return....But the Lord is with me and He is my strength! And it's
not "good-bye"...it's "so-long, until we meet again!"