So after Amanda and Nate's lovely chapel time this morning, I accompanied the students to their classroom and took my seat between the girls. Just like yesterday, I joined them for all of their classes and assisted in whatever capacity I needed to. But first things first. They all had a spelling test and while I did have faith in her, I must admit, I was watching Francis closely. I so badly wanted her to get that 100% that I could scarcely sit still. Gosh, one would have thought I was taking the test! But when they had all finished their quizzes, Betsy announced that almost everyone earned an A+! Francis being among the top, A+ group! Oh, I'm so proud of them all!
Then after the Bible lesson, and the short English lesson, we all went on to music class. Curious, I decided to sit in on that class as well. Hector, the guy who plans the music and speaks at Betsy's Spanish church, came to give the students music lessons. (For the past three years, he has been teaching Kevin and Larimar how to play the guitar while Betsy has been teaching Kristian how to play the violin.) So sliding into the room, I quietly took a seat in the corner and waited as they all began to warm-up. I watched on, feelings of excitement and amazement coursing through me. They were amazing! They tuned their guitars before playing and they sounded wonderful, all playing together in the perfect tune.
After a failed attempt to repair a broken guitar string, I sighed and looked up from the string dangling hopelessly from the guitar. What I saw, stole my breath. At that moment, I saw Hector, seated across from Mizael and Francis, guitar on his lap, doing his best to show Francis how to position her fingers. When her fingers were cooperative, he leaned back and began playing and singing the song in Spanish. Francis watched him intently, bobbing her head with the beat and swaying her shoulders in rhythm with the song. Behind Hector, Kevin and Larimar both laid their instrument down and began Signing the song Hector was signing, so Francis and I could understand. In perfect unison, they Signed as Hector sang. My heart clenched. This is what I have waited thirteen long months for! These are the kids I have spent everyday thinking about. And as I sat there, completely lost in the moment, they looked over at me; our eyes met and we shared a special smile. I lost it right there. Biting my lip, I turned my head and hid my tears. These are the kids who have changed my life...and God used them to show me His plan for me. And the sudden reality that He has allowed me to come back to them, hit me with full, unexpected force! That was altogether too much for me to handle.
After I had "gotten a grip" and regained most of my self-control, I accompanied them all to math class. Now, stop right there and think with me for a second. That certainly does not seem like a good idea. Me and math should never be included together in the same sentence. I seriously think that moment in music class did indeed, impair my common-sense. Sure, I had since regained some of my composure, although I'm fairly sure my dignity eluded me as quickly as the answers for math do. So, had I been in my normal frame of mind, I would have heeded the little voice in my head, that screamed a shrill warning as I followed the students through the door. But no such luck.
So I once again reclaim my seat between the girls and get settled in, eager to help Francis and Larimar (and anyone else who needed assistance.) Meanwhile, Betsy sauntered around the classroom, counting children as she went. "Two, three...." She gestured to where Larimar and I sat. My heart skidded to a halt. Mental pictures of yesterday's math class flew uninvited into my mind. No, no, no. I slapped my forehead in utter despair in an attempt to dislodge the unwanted images. I dared to glance up. Surely Betsy had not just counted me into that group of students. Did thy ears deceive me? I could only hope so. A sudden burst of laughter exploded from the other side of the room--so loud a few of the deaf kids heard it and immediately looked towards the door.
"Ha-ha-ha, look at your face!" Betsy laughed as the students all turned towards me and they too began chucking. I was grateful at that moment that no matter what I did, I couldn't see my face, because I was fairly certain I didn't want to. I tried my best to swallow past the lump in my now dry throat. I opened my mouth and asked in a hoarse, raspy whisper, "Please, please, tell me, you did not just add me into that group...."
Betsy twitched her nose and with one parting nod, she left the room. Oh fantastic. I decided that instant, that if it weren't for bad luck--then I wouldn't have any luck at all. Five pairs of black eyes watched me as I slid lower into my seat, willing the floor to part and swallow me up. All too soon, Betsy returned, burdened with a stack of paper. I had known she was coming even before I saw her approach, as the stench of math came wafting into the room before her. She thrust two papers into my hand...which in turn, I handed right to Francis with a sweet smile. Seemingly undeterred, Betsy handed me another copy. "Don't worry, I have extra." I cringed at the sharp pain in my stomach. Suddenly, feelings of indignation began to rise up within me. No, I could not allow this outrage to continue! Seriously! What was this?! I'm the assistant teacher--This was harassment! Inwardly, I demanded an acceptable explanation. What had I done to deserve such an injustice? Suddenly I knew. It all made perfect sense....My mother. My mother and Betsy had been conspiring against me. I guess just because I left Pennsylvania and my mother, didn't mean that I could escape math. And Mom and Betsy would be certain that I didn't miss these special opportunities. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Betsy assigned me to the front of the classroom...although, to me, it seemed more like "the corner of doom." I looked around the room, wondering where she had misplaced my dunce-cap.

Then, Kevin threw his paper on Betsy's desk just as I threw my pencil down. And he says he doesn't like math. Fine, Dude--we tied. But in reality, he did get the upper hand as he was able to focus uninterrupted--I was not allowed such a luxury. But as I looked back over my answers, I realized to my dismay, that I had written so fast that I struggled to read my handwriting. Was that an 8 or a 6? Finally, allowing my heart rate to return to normal, I told him that I had escaped Pennsylvania so I wouldn't have to do math--and here I come to Betsy.
So just you watch! I will yet devise a plan to severe all means of communication between Betsy and my mother. I have a sneaking feeling that this is only the beginning....Problem? I think YES!
I love to read your blog! Can t wait for Friday's math test!