But back to the beach. Oh, I had forgotten just how heavenly it is! The Luquillo Beach is one of my favorite places on earth. Unlike the ocean-water back home, this neither reeks of fish nor is polluted with sand and debris that floats on the surface. The clear, white waves calmly and gently lap the beach without pounding the life out of you as the ones at home do. Notice also, how beautiful and perfectly clear the water is! And it is so warm and refreshing opposed to the frigid waters up North.
And although there are many more contrasts and comparisons that could be made, I won't waste time with mundane details, since I am sure you get the idea. So the three hours that we spent at the beach were wonderful. And despite the fact that my mother managed to get sunburned, we did indeed, have a blast in the water and greatly enjoyed one another's company--well, I can't honestly speak for them, but I know I enjoyed chilling with them. And seeing the pelican that flew close overhead was awesome!
Later as we relaxed back at the school, one of ESD's deaf students came by for his violin lesson. And being that it's been 13 months since I have seen any of my Puerto Rican friends, I was thrilled to see one of the students again! We chatted and he played a game of Othello with my mom. And while I didn't play, it was still quite amusing to watch.
Then later in the evening, after an amazing dinner with the ladies, we drove through San Juan to a quaint little Starbucks where we joined a Puerto Rican Deaf Social! Being that it was an entirely new experience, I was content to sit with the ladies and "eyesdrop" from across the room; watching conversations through the reflections in the window. That is, until I was asked...no, scratch that. Until I was ordered by my mother to go talk with people...any people, just so long as I didn't continue sitting there like a bump on a log. "Nah, I'm good." Not only did I not know any of the deaf people, I was trying to stay awake, and really did not find the idea of approaching a random stranger and striking up a random conversation, comforting. Don't misunderstand; I had absolutely nothing against talking with anyone, but they were all in the middle of evidently deep conversations and I felt extremely rude, interrupting them.
But Betsy thought otherwise. Great, now I had two of them insisting. "No, really, I'm fine," I tried again to calmly deflect the demands. When will I realize that resistance is futile, especially where Betsy and my mother are concerned? So while I was trying frantically to wrack my brain for a quick response, Betsy interjected that she will be writing up "a recommendation" to send to RIT, explaining what all I did here and how well I accomplished it. She threatened a lower grade if I didn't comply. Uh, that's blackmail. I no sooner gave her the "I'm not amused" look, than Laurie offered to walk over with me and introduce me to a group of chatting people. Seriously, who thought this was a good idea? I reluctantly stood and with Laurie's hand on my arm, I meekly followed her to a table of Deaf people, feeling much like a puppy on a leash. I slowly approached, hoping to slide into the group subtly, but again, no such luck. When I sat down, the conversations immediately stopped and everyone began asking me questions. Well, so much for sneaking in unnoticed. But as time went on and the conversations continued, I learned that I was talking with a graduate of RIT/NTID! No way--that's too cool! Again, my feelings towards attending RIT were confirmed as he had nothing but great things to say about the school! God reminded me once again, that He will never let us miss the mark or misinterpret His plan for us! Now I am glad I listened to Betsy and my mom and joined the group.
So while I am considering returning to the Deaf Social next week, I am also excited to drive to the beach bright and early tomorrow morning to watch the sun rise over the ocean. Well, I am excited about the beach part, NOT the getting up early part...but hey, you only live once, right?
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