Today was long and hot, but many things, wonderful and sad, happened during its duration. We bundled up the few things my mother had dragged across the ocean with her, and we set off on an adventure to San Juan with her bags in tow. Although somewhere along way, Betsy had an epiphany and decided that she can teach me how to get to the San Juan airport from the school. Who thought this was a good idea? Seriously, I am lucky I can get myself from my house to the grocery store, okay? My directional skills are ranked right alongside my math skills...both of which are virtually nonexistent. But, she "reassured" me, I wouldn't be going as a driver, just as a guide. Oh, because that makes it so much better! Perhaps it's a little less responsibility? I have no idea. I had to shake my head and think to myself, what was in her tea this morning? She should know better than to send me gallivanting around the countryside, giving directions to random people who need to reach the airport. And the only information I seem to have retained from our intense study of road-signs (all of which were in Spanish,) are the numbers, 3, 26, and 66 which I think might be route numbers. But they don't do me much good if I do not know where I am going!
So anyway, luckily for me and everyone present, Betsy was both our driver and our guide, so we reached San Juan quickly and safely. From there, we split up, with Mom and I visiting the Old Fort and Laurie and Betsy shopping. We met up several hours later, after getting lost twenty times trying to navigate around the city on foot (yet another great example of my directional skills and my inability to navigate.) And it did not help that everyone we asked for directions to the store, told us to walk a different way. Seriously, there are only four directions, so one of them has to be correct. We sought the insight of a Police officer who spoke English and we followed his advice; which happened to be correct. I mean honestly, who knew a Starbuck's could be so difficult to find? But once we finally arrived at our destination, we rewarded ourselves with a Caramel Frappuccino for our perseverance and teambuilding skills. You know, believe it or not, I think teamwork might actually be a skill I about that? Now only to convince Betsy that I can handle teamwork. But with my luck, she would put me on a "direction and navigation team" where I would have to defer to my partner before giving out driving instructions. Okay, maybe it's just best if I don't say anything about it. I do not want to encourage her.
So hours later we finally arrived at the airport, directions momentarily forgotten as we had more pressing matter at hand...such as getting my mom to her plane before it departed without her. Which is a much harder task than one would think! Especially when the people checking her bags forgot to give her the gate number (which in my opinion is slightly important) and when the line for security was five miles long. For real? But again, thanks to my one and only talent, (that being teamwork skills) we persevered and managed to make it to security in time for her to board her flight...well, at least I hope she boarded. I am still awaiting a text from her confirming she has arrived home safely. But I will let you know the verdict.
So after we stood waiting in the security-check line for what seemed like hours, we finally said our farewells. I turned towards her, put her bags on the floor and embraced her. I surprised myself at how quickly I transformed into the mother-figure. And for the several minutes that followed, I felt like the mother who squeezed her child close and whispered in her ear, "It'll be okay! You'll be fine. I will be back...I promise to call you." It left me wondering for a moment, "Wait, which one of us is the mother, here?" But I must admit, she did remarkably well!
And I should point out also, that I have so enjoyed having her stay with me in Puerto Rico! It was wonderful to show her around and let her experience first-hand, the place that captivated my heart and let her meet the people I have come to love dearly! It was quite a bonding experience and I know I will remember this for the rest of my life!
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