Friday, July 26, 2013

His Grace Is Sufficient!

"Relaxing" was the theme for today. But as you know, not everything proceeds by the intended script.
     It pained me greatly to part with my bed, but at 8 am, I had no choice but to tear myself from it, get up and begin my day. I stumbled groggily to the kitchen where I had left my jar of Peanut Butter the night before and with it I found renewed energy to face the new day.
     I soon discovered how grateful I was for that energy because with the words, "we need to reorganize our bedrooms and carry away beds and dressers..," I think my eye may have twitched.
     I ate a quick breakfast and joined Mom and Rosa in our rooms to begin the treacherous process of  reorganizing which continued for the next several hours. Bags and boxes, tables and chairs, lamps and fans, clothes and bedding, dressers, desks and beds all had to be moved from room to room and adjusted so as to fit. Ha-ha, funny. And once all of the furniture was resituated, then came the dreaded time of unpacking. Which I can honestly not my favorite pastime. But I managed to put all of my things in their places and if it didn't have a place...well, I found a place and stuffed it somewhere. End of story. And we were actually finished with our renovations just in time for a couple to come inspect the building. When I say just in time, I mean within the three minutes before they walked through the door. Yeah, nothing like cutting it close.
     Oh, and guess what!? I just got some of the most exciting news! Not only will the students be returning in only 10 days, but a new deaf girl will be attending the school and...are you ready? She is going to be my roommate for the next 4 weeks! How awesome is that? So not only will I be completely immersed in Sign during school, rooming with her will now enable me to sign ALL day long! I am so excited to meet her and get a glimpse of what it's like to be deaf on a day-to-day basis. God is so good! (Her parents were the ones coming to visit the school today and see the newly organized bedrooms.)
     Then Mom and I went with Betsy this evening to an awesome little restaurant in Luquillo for dinner. We chatted and had the most amazing food ever. She is most certainly, one of the 'funnest' and greatest people I have ever met! As she talked, I laughed so hard I could scarcely breathe as she shared hilarious stories, and other times I fought tears as I saw how God uses her to mend the broken-hearted and show the love of God to those who have yet to know Him. I grew to know Betsy even better, learned how she came to work at the school 30ish years ago and saw what an amazing impact she has had on the school and on her students (not to mention how much she has taught me and encouraged me in my walk with Christ.) As she shared, my respect for her skyrocketed as I realized to yet another extent, how selflessly she pours herself, heart and soul, into her school and her students. She is simply amazing! Wow, what a role model. She certainly challenges me in my faith, encouraging me to release my fear and step out my comfort zone. And dares me to seek and run after the things God has for me, instead of contenting myself and becoming complacent.
     Tomorrow morning, Betsy, Mom and I leave at 9 am for San Juan to spend the afternoon together before Mom's flight leaves at 4 pm and she returns home. It has been so great having her here with me and I have so enjoyed telling her the many stories I have about this place. I have greatly enjoyed sharing with her all I have been involved in and letting her finally experience the place that makes me feel so wonderful--and the heavenly peace that evades your heart as you set foot on the campus. And while I am no doubt going to miss her, I know that God's grace is sufficient and that I'm in the palm of His hand. I am experiencing no anxiety whatsoever--only disappointment that her time is over. These past couple days have been absolutely amazing and God has truly blessed our time together. And hey, there's always next year, right?

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