Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's As Simple As Trusting Him!

The excitement builds with each passing day, as the day of our departure draws ever nearer!
     This week has had its ups and downs; schedules always seem to fill up so the never-ending schoolwork suffers neglect and continues to stack up.  Which of course causes a dilemma as we become even farther behind in our studies.  It honestly has been a struggle for me to keep focused.  School takes precedence over virtually everything and trying to find time to complete that and the other things that demand my attention, is rather daunting.  And I have things for Puerto Rico to plan for/tend to, remember?  But that too, seemed to be getting pushed to the back and left for later.  There are still VBS lessons to plan, things I must get together, support letters to write and send!  When and how is this all to get done? 
     You might think that thirteen weeks and 5 days is plenty of time to get prepared, but I was nearing the edge of freaking-out.  Finally, I lay in bed after yet another busy day and late night, thinking of my dear family in Puerto Rico and feeling guilty for not getting things done.  It was about time the Lord and I had a heart-to-heart talk.  "Okay, Lord.  I know You know what I'm struggling with and all I have to do in what seems like a relatively short amount of time.  I have yet to send out my support letters...they should have been sent weeks ago!  And, since they weren't sent out when they should've been, how will I raise enough money?  Will I have time to do other fundraisers?  Oh, I have so much to do and am feeling overwhelmed.  Help!"  'Relax!  Will you trust Me?  This is My mission trip after all, you're just being My servant.  Things will happen when I want them to happen; regardless of how much freaking-out you do, it won't help things get done faster.  We're a team--would you just trust Me?'
     Hmm, trust God to get things done--wow, what a brilliant idea!
     So I did just that--I decided to trust Him.  I took a deep breath before handing over the reins and saying, "There, it's all Yours!"
     And you know what?  It honestly seems as though there are more hours in the day!  I have been able to get some schoolwork caught up on and I even had time to complete and send out my support letters!  Gosh, I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have them sent out.  (I can almost see my stress-meter going down!)
     But as neat as that is--it's just the beginning!  I began coming up with creative ideas for things to do with the students at ESD and instead of feeling stressed when I sat down to think of an activity, I was filled with enthusiasm!  I can't wait for the VBS kit to arrive in the mail so I can plan further.
     And!--you know how paranoid I was about not being able to raise enough support?  Well, within mere days of my support letters being sent, I got report after report of support that was flooding in.  Several checks as large as $300, not to mention at least a dozen other generous contributions!
     I read the list of names again and again, blinking back tears.  I was thoroughly overwhelmed by the goodness of God and the generosity of those who have given so willingly!
    'Blessed are those who put their trust in Me!'
    Are you putting your trust in Him?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I didn't know you had a blog! I love how the Lord is taking you on such an inspiring adventure. Thank you so much for taking us along! Love you! Linda Stanhope
