Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Betsy's Pre-birthday Celebration!

So as I had announced yesterday, we did indeed embark this morning on an adventure around the East side of the island. We drove for about two hours; during which time we laughed and blared Christian music, joked around and swerved to avoid collision with approaching vehicles. Betsy had previously informed me that if the beach was a flop, at least we would have fun on the drive. And although the beach was great, I did greatly enjoy the car ride--both our journey there and our journey home. Per Betsy's request, she wanted a demonstration of our signing capabilities; thus she decided that we would interpret songs. Sliding even lower into my seat, I'd had a faint glimmer of hope that she was referring only to the ladies sitting closest who knew what they were doing, but my hopes were rudely dashed when I was informed that the next song was mine. I had to shake my head and wonder why I always seemed to put myself in vulnerable situations.
     So for the next hour and a half, we sat watching each other interpret old hymns and discuss sign variations and proper grammar. The Old Rugged Cross was Rosa's first assigned song and in my opinion, I thought she did quite well. The next hymn began to play and I soon realized that I neither knew the song nor could I even understand the lyrics. How could I interpret a song I couldn't understand...and it was even in English too...So then I felt really dumb! Yeah, not a great start to my Interpreting career! But in my defense, it was sung quickly and the instruments seemed to drown out the voices, so it was difficult to distinguish words. Now I rest my case. So I simply sat there, throwing out words here and there as I heard them, and prayed that I would know the song that followed. But Tess was gracious to take the next one, and we all struggled to comprehend those lyrics as well. This slightly eased my mind and helped me not to feel quite so silly. We then decided that when there came a song no one knew, we would all signed simultaneously and work together to determine the meaning of the song and the proper signs that should be used. This worked well and we finished with a masterpiece...well, I like to think so anyway. As we chatted and compared non-manual markers, we each had different opinions on how things should be signed. Meanwhile, Betsy and Laurie sat in the front, talking and occasionally commenting on a misused classifier. Although, we did receive some praise when a few songs ended, so I assume we passed the test? I will probably never know, but I am eagerly anticipating the VBS and the beginning of school when I can interact with the Deaf daily and on a more personal level. But besides test scores, I had entirely too much fun and I learned a great deal during that short time period. (And believe it or not, I actually feel more confidant in my signing and feel better prepared to interact with the students when they arrive. Imagine that?!)
Puerto Rico: The most beautiful place on earth!
     There were also times along the way that we were interrupted from our demonstration to peer out the window at the gorgeous mountains we were driving over. Looking down into a bowl-like valley and seeing the villages below and the mountains jutting up on either side was enough to make ones jaw drop! Cattle grazed along the ridges and trees dotted the velvety-green landscape. Never in my life have I seen anything so beautiful as the grass covered mountains of Puerto Rico. I could only look down in wonder and awe of the Creator.
Caribbean beach in Guayama. Absolutely gorgeous!
     Sometime later, our silent choir in the back seat ceased when we arrived at our final destination; a quaint little beach-side restaurant in the town of Guayama (I could not remember the name of it, so I had to ask,) with the most wonderful food and the most gorgeous view of the Caribbean! Oh, it was absolutely wonderful!
     From there, we drove up another series of mountains...and drove...and drove. With each curve in the road, our concern deepened. Until finally, we asked Betsy if she truly had a destination in mind or if she had just gotten us lost. She assured that she had a plan and soon we were hiking through the mountain in search of a swimming hole, she had heard rumor of. That too, was absolutely gorgeous. But the water was frigid. And while I did not swim, I took a risk and waded in up to my knees...which was enough to satisfy me. I was surprised by the silly little fish that swarmed around my feet and nibbled at my toes. So weird!
Betsy and Tess enjoying the swimming hole!
     And you would never guess what we saw on our way back! We were following a car into town and it had its trunk up. As we drew nearer, we realized there was a boy sitting in the back, with a horse running along behind the car! Is it even legal to tow horses? That was quite interesting! I also happened to see several wild horses, a white heron, and even a mongoose! But nothing could top the horse being towed through town!
     So yes; it has altogether been yet another perfect day!
     Now, to think ahead to tomorrow. I believe the plans include the painting of the chapel, the removal of dorm-room doorknobs, and the pre-VBS decorating. Then, we have been invited to Betsy's church for their Wednesday night service where hopefully, we will watch her interpret--and get to see one of the students (one of my friends from last year.) So excited for tomorrow! And no doubt, it will be a full day so I guess I should turn it in and get some sleep before it begins.
     And Happy Birthday, Betsy! I hope it's a wonderful one!

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